I've created this page so if you've purchased one of my art prints from my market stall or else where, you can find the story of your piece here.

I'd say Black Cockatoos would have to be my favourite thing to paint. I love the challenge of painting the light and shadow details of their feathers. The inspiration for this piece came from a family of Red Tails I photographed while on a bird tour around the grounds of Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Rehab Centre. These ones were wild and free but seemed to have made a home amoungst their fellow friends in the rehab centre. The juvinile in the middle was playing around trying to get the parents attention while they were having a rest in the gum trees.


This painting is inspired by my recent trips to Dryandra Woodland. The first time I visited during the winter, as soon as I arrived I was lucky enough to spot 2 numbats! Since then, I’ve been hoping to spot them again or even better - amongst the wildflowers or wandering about in the spring sun, but had no luck. So I decided to join a few reference photos together for this painting - the numbat shots I got from my first trip, and the flora shots I captured on my last couple trips. The Scarlet Robin I decided to add in as on one of my last trips, while I was sat having some lunch, it came right up close, Intrigued and watching me while looking for his own lunch. I ended up watching and capturing some beautiful shots of him for the next hour or 2. Dryandra Woodlands has since become one of my favourite places, it really is such a magic spot. You can feel the calm and peacefulness of the place as soon as you arrive. Whether I see the numbats or not, I always find something new, and it’s just nice to be able to sit with nature and take it all it. How lucky are we.

Inspired by the beautiful Northern Blue Ringed Octopus. The photos I used as references for this painting were of an adult and a tiny baby one (size of my thumb nail!) I found plodding along in the tidal rock pools off the coast of Broome last year. They are such fascinating creatures to watch and are usually quite shy too.
In March 2022 during the wet season here in Broome and after some heavy rainfall, the Roebuck Plains turned into a beautiful wetlands. It filled with life. From tadpoles that turned into frogs, fish swimming across the flooded roads, dragonflies eating mozzie larvae and birds feeding on the bugs and fish. I quickly fell in love with visiting the plains and watching the life thrive. I spent many sunsets and sunrises photographing the plains, trying to remember the tiny details to then work into my painting. I wanted this painting to capture the vast landscape as well as the movement of life.

This painting came together after a recent trip up to Gumbanan on the Dampier Peninsula. This time, after many many hours of waiting and watching I was so lucky to see the beautiful Gouldian Finch. They were splashing about in a waterhole along with Long-Tailed Finches and Double Barred Finches. Even though they didn’t all sit together on the branches at the same time while I was photographing them (shame), I decided to paint them like this to show the bond the different species shared.

This painting was inspired by a couple of Red-tailed Black Cockatoos I was photographing one afternoon at John Forrest National Park a few years ago. Since then it has been one of my favourite photos and I'm glad I've finally turned it into a painting.I chose the name 'Together' for this painting to reflect the close-ness, care and affection this couple shared.

Inspired by the Short Beaked Echidna. The reference photos used for this painting were of a cute little echidna I captured wandering about the Dryandra Woodlands in 2023. I find these creatures so adorable and can easily spend many hours sitting and observing them. This one didn’t notice me near by while it was going about it’s business sniffing out the termites and ants under all the tree litter.

This piece shows a lone female forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo feeding on gumnuts out in the open, even though a storm is making it's way in. I wanted this piece to represent the many strong, resilient & brave females we are all lucky enough to know, who no matter how tough their situation is, they still work so hard to show up and give it their all. The reference photo I used of the Cockatoo is actually one of the beautiful residents at Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre, the background image was from a bush walk in the Perth hills, and the tree stump I made up myself, I wanted the texture to represent a Marri tree, but the broken part was difficult, as I had to imagine the right shapes, shadows and lighting, but I think it turned out ok.